Funny Shairy Laughing
Sindhi humorous poetry or "Sindhi Funny Laughing Poetry" is poetry written in humorous, funny situations, and humorous style. In this poem, the poet presents various aspects of life, common people's habits, and social attitudes in a humorous manner.
منهنجي چهري تي ڌڪن جا نشان ڏسي
Funny Shairy
دوستن پڇيو.
سڏڪي چيم بيگم ڪڍي ويلڻن
جي ڌمال آ
زال چوي ٿي فون ڏي ٺهرائي
Funny Shairy
De hazar khan jo balance wajhrai.
Warhi tadhin thi dhar aa bhayo,
Paan na thi kuch ghar mein pachai.
Roz maani thi hotel tan ghara hi."
Deposit a balance of a thousand or so.
Only then does she stay separate,
And doesn’t cook anything at home.
Every day, we eat from the hotel instead."
جنهن کي مان چا هيندو آهيان
Funny Shairy
Kaa nagal wangar bharkee aindo.
Dil manhinji goli thi hin khe,
Kadhin ta mon de jarki aindo."
Comes rushing like a spark.
My heart searches for her,
Sometimes she comes to me like a jolt."
ڳوٺ وارا اڻپڙهيل پرڻائيندا
Funny Shairy
ڳوٺ وارا اڻپڙهيل پرڻائينداڍڳن ڍورن جو به گاه ڪرائينداجهنگ مان منهنجي جان چڏاءِمولا ڪائي ماڌوري ملاءِ-----------
"Goth wara anparhel parhain da,
Dhagan dhoron jo bhi gaah karaindaa.
Jhang maan manhinji jaan chhudaai,
Mola kaai Maadhuri milaai."-----------
"The villagers marry off the uneducated,
Even managing the wild goats' grazing.
In the wilderness, my soul cries out,
Oh God, grant me some sweetness in life."
Dhagan dhoron jo bhi gaah karaindaa.
Jhang maan manhinji jaan chhudaai,
Mola kaai Maadhuri milaai."
Even managing the wild goats' grazing.
In the wilderness, my soul cries out,
Oh God, grant me some sweetness in life."
Funny Shairy, Humor, Comedy, Wit, Everyday life, Light-hearted, Wordplay, Jokes, Social observations, Family dynamics, Playful language, Amusement, Local quirks, Satire, Festive humor, Fun
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