Poetry Classical Ghazal and Shayree
Sindhi ghazals and poetry are an important part of Sindh's cultural heritage, which can be easily found on online platforms. These poems usually cover love, spirituality, and various aspects of life, and exemplify the sweetness and expressiveness of the Sindhi language
ڪفن هٽائي تڪيائين پئي
ڪفن هٽائي تڪيائين پئي
ڳوڙهن تنهنجن سچائي ڇو آ
ساگرلقماني چريا دوست
محبت تون لڪائي ڇو آ
اڳ ۾ سوچ نه پئي ڪا ئي
"Kafan hataai takaiyun pai
Goorrhan tunhjan sachai chho aa
Sagar Luqmani chariyo dost
Mohabbat tun lukhaai chho aa
Aghe mein soch na pai kaa ee"
Goorrhan tunhjan sachai chho aa
Sagar Luqmani chariyo dost
Mohabbat tun lukhaai chho aa
Aghe mein soch na pai kaa ee"
"Removing the shroud, I am now covered in stains,
Why do your tears reveal the truth?
O Sagar Luqmani, deceitful friend,
Why do you hide your love?
There was no thought of this beforehand."
Why do your tears reveal the truth?
O Sagar Luqmani, deceitful friend,
Why do you hide your love?
There was no thought of this beforehand."
اڳ ۾ سوچ نه پئي ڪا ئي
poetry classical
اڳ ۾ سوچ نه
پئي ڪا ئي
مون دلڙي
دوست لڳائي ڇو آ
جئيري مون
سان ڪيئي جدايون
هاڻ لاش تي
آئي ڇو آ
"Aghe mein soch na pai kaa ee
Mun dilri dost lagaai chho aa
Jaiyri munh saan kayi judaiyun
Haan laash te aayi chho aa"
"There was no thought of this beforehand,
Why did I place my trust in a friend?
Why did separations come upon me,
Now that it has reached the stage of death?"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------poetry classical
اڃان به ڪهڙي سوچ ۾ آهين اي قوم پرست
اڃان به ڪهڙي
سوچ ۾ آهين اي قوم پرست
لٽجي پئي سنڌ
ڀريا ٿيهلا اسان جو ڇا ٿيندو
اڃا به ڇا چپ
خاموش رهندي سٻجهڙا سنڌي
اٿ ڊ اهه
دشمنن جا ميلا اسان جو ڇا ٿيندو
مايوس نه ٿي
ساگرلقماني نيٺ ماڳ ماڻبو
"Añjaan bhi kahri soch mein aahiyoon ai qaum parast
Lutji pai Sindh bharaya theehaala asaan jo chha thindo
Añjaan bhi chha chup khaamosh rehndee sabhujharaa Sindhi
Uth da! Aah dushmanan ja mela asaan jo chha thindo
Maayoos na thi, Sagar Luqmani, neeth maangbo"
"Still, in what kind of thoughts are you, O nationalist?
Sindh has been plundered and ruined; what will become of us?
What more will you, the silent Sindhis, remain quiet about?
Rise up! Our enemies are gathering; what will become of us?
Do not be disheartened, O Sagar Luqmani, in the end, the place will be found."
poetry classical, Sindh has been plundered; it's not the time for nationalists to remain silent. Enemies are gathering; Sagar Luqmani, the place will be found."
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