Sindhi Expression Love Writings,
Izahar's poetry is a genre of speech in which the poet describes his emotions, feelings, thoughts and inner states through poetry. This poetry comes from the depths of the heart and reflects human experiences, emotions and thoughts. Expressive poetry not only expresses emotions such as love, grief, joy, and loneliness, but also presents social issues, political ideas, and philosophical concepts.
دلڙي منهنجي
دلڙي منهنجي ڏاڍي خوش آهي
سالن کان پوءِ تنهنجو سلام مليو
ساگر کي ڏي طاقت مالڪ ملڻ جي
ڇو ته ان جي اچڻ جو انجام مليو
ڀتين سان تنهنجون ڳالهيون ڪريان
پاڳل، چريو مونکي نام مليو
مان ڇونه کلان مان ڇونه نچان
مون طرفان توکي اعلي مقام مليو
Paagal, chariyo munhke naam milyo
Maan chuno khilan maan chuno nachan
Munh tarafaan toke aala maqam milyo"
Crazy and wild, I have gained fame.
I neither laugh nor dance,
From my side, you have received a high status."
اڄ تنهنجي اچڻ جو پيغام مليو
منهنجي اوجاڳن جا چنڊ ستارا شاهد
شايد وڇوڙي جو انعام مليو
هي تنهنجو پراڻو غلام کليو
Munhji ujagan ja chand sitara shaahid
Shaayad vichhoro jo inaam milyo
He tunhjo puraano ghulam khushiyo"
The moons and stars of my dreams bear witness.
Perhaps this is the reward for separation,
This old servant of yours is delighted."
, love writings, Emotions, Feelings, Thoughts, Inner sentiments, Human experiences, Love, Sorrow, Joy, Solitude, Social issues, Political ideas, Philosophical concepts, Heartfelt words, Reflection, Inner voice
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